Programmed Fuel Injection (PGM-FI)

It features a liquid-cooled 49cc four-stroke engine with fuel injection. It’s quiet, economical, and super reliable—everything you’d expect from a Honda.

Combined braking system

When you activate the rear brake, the combined braking system automatically adds front brake assistance to help you stop.

V-Matic automatic transmission

The multi-speed automatic transmission means no shifting ever—not even into park or neutral. Just turn the key, press the starter button, and go.


The scooter's intelligent design features a sleek and stylish instrument panel, perfectly aligning with its retro-meets-modern overall aesthetic.

22-liter underseat storage

This scooter has a spacious weather-resistant underseat storage area that can accommodate a helmet, books, or groceries. A lock secures the storage area for added security.

Convenience hook

A large, easy-to-use hook is perfect for hanging a tote, grocery bag, or purse strap.


When running errands around town, our accessory Chrome Rear Carrier and Rear Trunk make it all more convenient.