This simulator has touch panel operation, handle bar switch operation, support to configure settings and helpful information.
There is also a link to the owner’s manual.
Note that some features of the actual display are not covered.
Terms and Conditions
Before accessing the services offered on this site, please read and agree to the conditions set forth below. Use of the services will be deemed to constitute agreement with the conditions; if you do not agree to the conditions, please do not use the services on this site.
Information Regarding Site Contents
The specifications of the motorcycle(s) depicted in the content and services on this site may differ from those of your product or products available in your region or country. Please consult the owner's manual that came with your product to determine the features and specifications included with your product, which features and specifications may differ from what is depicted on this site.
The content and services on this site are the intellectual property of Honda, protected by copyright. The content and services cannot be copied, reproduced, altered, or distributed without Honda's express, written permission.
The content and services are provided for your convenience only, and at your own risk. Honda disclaims any responsibility for any damage caused, directly or indirectly, by your use of the content and services of this site, as well as your inability to use all or any part of the content and services. No warranty is provided in conjunction with this site or the content and services thereon; Honda only provides warranties as set forth in the documents, such as warranty registration cards, supplied with products it manufactures and distributes.
This site, and its contents and services may be suspended or removed, or the contents may change, without notification.